Jake with his baritone with an ankle weight around the bell

Jake with his baritone with an ankle weight around the bell

It was parade camp this past week! 7:30 - 2:30 every day, but because of my role in the band I had the opportunity to go from 7:00 - 2:45. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work.  We have a total of 4 vets and 7 rookies making us the largest section in the wind ensemble with 11 people. All, but 3, of us got all of our music memorized and passed off along with learning how to march. We marched and played on our last day for 55 minutes. I have not seen rookies do so well.   I think we are going to be really good this year. We marched a little parade on Saturday to wrap up the week. We start getting into the normal marching schedule in two weeks and I am excited to see how we grow.
