Right after finishing the last post our section went to nickle city in Orem. It has been a long time since I have hung out with a large group of people. We had so much fun. We Went laser tagging, and the best part was that I could see the lasers. Following that we played a lot of nickle based games. Milli and I played 2 rounds of 3 of a Japanese Dance Dance Revelation game. We played deal or no deal as a group, and we played a trivia game. (I totally am the best at getting second on trivia games). We collectively as a group pooled are tickets. 2000 of them. We used them to get the section glass chess set. It probably cost 5 dollars for Nickle City to buy and $50 dollars in tickets, but it was defiantly worth it.   I think my section is really, really fun this year.
