With an early rise of 7:30 we headed off to the real train station. When we got there we purchased our ticket and continued to grab some breakfast before the train arrived. We all got chocolate muffins. We boarded the train and continued to Windsor castle.

The castle blew me away. The sheer size and architecture was astonishing and beautiful. We went inside St. George's church. I love the Gothic building style and the fact that it is 500 years old (twice as old as the United States) is mind boggling. We then saw the Changing of the Guards, it was interesting. It was not as serious as I would have expected. During the changing of the guard they played the theme to Star Wars which was interesting, and with their crazy hats and big shoes It's pretty funny. Despite the oddness, it was cool to see the Changing of the Guard and the Queens band.

We then continued to explore the castle. After going seeing the weapons, painting and gold plated rooms, we stepped out into an open area of the castle. We saw an angry guard who had to open the gate. After opening the gate and falling back into line, a lady was taking a picture in front of him. He yelled "Make way!!!" and the lady moved. After he passed her and came close to my mom and I he mumbled "or get trampled!!"  Mom and I laughed.

After that portion of the day we moved on to lunch in a beautiful part of town where you could see the castle. I had a really good Caesar salad. I  got a painting of the same street we ate on which was neat.

On the way back there was a candy store, I saw a great candy, it was called Camel Balls. Yup, I got them for my friends and me.

When we finally got on the train my mom had an interesting conversation with a Brit. My mom thought the guy said that he wanted to get out, my mom replied, "Me too, at the next stop."  He said "Oh, do you want to go first?" My mom answered, "Yes. How long until the next stop?" He replied, "Five minutes." My mom was confused while the guy looked antsy. He asked, "Can I go now?"  My completely confused mom said, "Sure." and she stepped out. The man started to the back and left his luggage.  My concerned mom called to him with no response. My dad then called back and told him he had left his bags. He replied with "oh I was just going to the Loo." Everyone on the back half of the train laughed. My mother was embarrassed.  It was pretty humorous.

After another hour of travel we went to Richmond where my mother's family spent three months living. We saw their house and what outer London looked like. I also had the opportunity to have tea. I'm not a massive fan but it was not terrible. I also got to try lamb. I'm now a huge lamb fan. It is now my favorite meat and I'm glad I got to try it. After These adventures we journeyed back to the hotel. It Was a great day. I can't upload any pics tonight but I'll try tomorrow. Good night!
