Today I checked in to my room and took off my backpack with all of my stuff. We went to Kentucky Fried Chicken and I ate 2 wings 2 breasts and 2 tenders and it was delectable. Following that we got on a tour bus. I continually fell asleep then waking myself up, but I got some pictures.
Big Ben
The girl giving the tour was awesome, and I felt bad I couldn't stay awake the whole time. No one in my group could stay awake. After the bus ride I went and did a little shopping but found nothing super exciting except the English version of Uncle Sam.
Uncle SAMs bro. Look close.
After we went to Trafalga Square which was super rad. I took some pictures with my family.
After that I found this.....
And after that we are a really good hamburger at the hotel then we went to get some ice cream and now I'm going to bed because I have not slept four 36 hours. See you tomorrow!