Today we decided to have a more relaxed day. It was nice. We went to breakfast at 9:30, then went on a bus tour. A really bad bus tour. It played music the whole time, and not just music, one song! It was no good especially for two hours. Following that mess we went and got lunch at a cafe. The waiters were fun and it's cool eating on a Paris street. I had a Monte Cristo.
And yes, French fries taste the same in France. No worries. We then got on a boat. We floated up to where Notre Dame. It's a really fantastic church.
I love Gothic architecture, and it blows my mind that it took 200 years to build and has been around since the 1200's. It's almost the oldest thing I have seen.
We also got to see this thing I don't know how to spell.
It dates back to 1200 B.C. So that's cray cray. We took the boat back down the river and went back to the hotel. After chillin' in the hotel, we ate ice cream and it was dang good. Then my mom and I went back out to the Eiffel Tower. We did a bit of shopping. We also found a letter box (remember I've told you about them). The tower is so pretty at night!
On our way back, I got to grab a crepe. It was so good and you wish you could have one... Look.
So that was the day. It was a good day. I love Paris!