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Day 6

This post may be shorter, I apologize in advance, but we will see. 

Today we awoke at the time of 5:30. Yup, early enough that I could text my friends that stayed up late enough. We ate then got on the train. The train went under the English Channel, that was neat. When we arrived, we got lost in the subway. It took us a while to get to the hotel, but this hotel is nice. I have the high speed inter-webs so pictures will be easier. I might even try to do a video. After arriving and staying in the Executive Room while our personal rooms were being prepared we went to the Eiffel Tower.  We went to the wrong place when we went to the "skip the line" tour, but quickly figured it out. Our tour guide was phenomenal and entertaining. I learned fun facts about the tower and it was neat looking over Paris. We had the opportunity to go to the very top and I got the vertigo. Experiencing the tower  is something I won't forget. 

This day was mostly travel and I wasted lots of time on the Internet, now that I finally have it! So, it's 11:30 at night and I must sleep. 



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Day 2

The things I did today were very, very fun. I had the best breakfast I think I ever had. It had beans, eggs, bacon, hashbrowns and a fried tomato.

Following the meal, we went to St Paul's Cathedral. It pretty much blew my mind. I have never been blown away by a building but I was. We went to the dome area and looked over London, it was really neat. I love the detail and the sheer size of it.

After, my dad and I went on a rock and roll tour. On the tour we learned Keith Richards girlfriend found Jimmy Hendricks. Our guide gave a graphic description of Hendricks's death and then turned around and said "Oh yeah, Mozart lived there." and walked away. We saw where Paul McCartney's office was. After that, we went shopping at Covent Gardens. The skill and craftsmanship of the items were amazing. I wanted some of it but we did not buy anything. We decided to go on the London Eye, and to get there we we took the tour bus. After waiting fifty minutes for a yellow (talking tour guide) bus and seeing 8 red (recorded tour bus) we decided to just get on a red line. Then we thought we were only going to have to go through three or four stops. That was wrong, we had to go through about 20 stops, so that was fun. When we finally made it to the Eye we went on it and had great views. I got some really good pictures. We then went to a shop and I got some neat postcards and a red and black hat that reads "London". We then went to a pub called Slug and Lettuce which was super good. I finally returned to the hotel, and I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Good night from London.


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Just Arrived

It's currently 8:30 in the morning And I have discovered a few things: first, flights overseas are awesome because they have outlets and all the movies you could ever want;  second, it is fantastic listening to all the British accents and it's weird that I am truly the one with the accent; third, the bathroom stalls are big and clean and fantastic. Here are some pictures

Clouds look like water, oh wait they are water! 

Clouds look like water, oh wait they are water! 

This is a bathroom stall door, huge am I right!? 

This is a bathroom stall door, huge am I right!? 
