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The last week of school

This week I took the State programming test and passed. It was pretty exciting. I am glad I have coding to keep me busy during the summer.


I also took 5 finals and passed the math SAGE, which is apparently pretty difficult with only 45% of my math class passing.  I am waiting to see how I did on my other finals but I feel good about them. In Chemistry we tie-dyed shirts, and mine is fantastic. It is multiple colors of green. The only issue with it is.... I forgot cotton shrinks.  I am probably going to give the shirt to my 5 year old brother for his birthday in August.

Today, we had are first day of marching band (It was a student run rehearsal). We sounded pretty decent for not knowing the other parts and having new Drum Majors. We have great rookies that I think are going to put in the work.  I think we are going to have a solid sounding band this year.
